- Walk more quickly if you walk alone : if you should execute something new without support of others, execute it quickly !
- Every lost moment is a possibility of the unhappiness for the future : All the time you lost will cost !
- The labour is my element. I was borne and done for the labour. I know the limits of my legs and eyes but I do not know the limits of my labour : You should work harder than the people you lead !
- War justify all : War has a mobilising effect on any society ,no matter if it is right or wrong.
- Art of war is a simple art and an execution at all. The part of princips is minimised and nothing is ideologic there : In competition , the matter is not theory and ideology. It depends on how you execute
- As well as in the mechanics, in war , the time is the decisive element. : The essence of competition is the mastery over the science of the time management.
- All the art of war is consisted of two elements : a well devised and reasoned and extremely detailed defence ; audacious and rapid offence. : If you want to win a battle, you should be prepared and fortified against any counter-attack at first
- You can not learn fighting ,unless you go into fire . Art of leading is doing better and first ,than any of your men
- In war, as in the love, we must look closer for decision. The secret of winning is the mastery over the details.
- I order or I m silent : A leader should avoid useless speeches. All he says will be commented,discussed. So he should chose deliberately what he says.
- A man made for business and authority does not see any personality . He sees only their weights and results : A leader should not get stuck to personalities and affairs, he should evaluate people,events and things in their relevant power dynamics. Frankly ,with their contribution to the result.
- You can not govern people without showing them a future (vision) , A leader is a walking hope for his people : without a vision, a future and a meaning, you can not manage,lead ,and persuade people.
- Man should not be both rude and feeble at the same time : Be kind, rudeness creates enemies, and if you are weak,enemies will be a threat seriously.
- The grand art of management : do not let the people get old : Do not allow your people get old in your organisation. Use the energy and charm of youngers and never spoil them with the cowardness and arrogance of the olders.
- Without justice, there is no power. Do not see your position,influence and your money as a legitimacy of your power. Your power lies on your integrity,justice and fairness.
- The announcements fade, the actions rest : People will care only what you do. What you say will be forgotten or be mocked at worst.
- The best policy is simplicity and verity . All the policies,based on the lies are folish and inglorious.
- The drafts are nothing, actions and behaviors are everything ! You can create rules ,but unless you follow them,all is in vain.
- I won my battles by the dreams of my sleeping soldiers : the people you lead must have a dream of your success forgetting themselves.
- Man should know to give in order to take : Generosity is the virtue of the highest
- The real sagacity lies in general in an energetic determination : The secret of the grandeur is to know how to give the right decision and how to stand firm and resolute after your decision.