- Man rejoices in man
- A kind word need not cost much,
The price of praise can be cheap:
- The man who stands at a strange threshold,
Should be cautious before he cross it,
- Who travels widely needs his wits about him,
The stupid should stay at home:
- Of his knowledge a man should never boast,
Rather be sparing of speech
- Seldom do those who are silent make mistakes;
- Evil counsel is often given
By those of evil heart
- A man knows less the more he drinks
- Silence becomes the son of a prince,
To be silent but brave in battle:
It befits a man to be merry and glad
Until the day of his death
- Drink your mead, but in moderation,
Talk sense or be silent:
- To ask well, to answer rightly,
Are the marks of a wise man:
- Wise is he not who is never silent,
Mouthing meaningless words:
- The tactful guest will take his leave early,
not linger long:
- It is best for man to be middle-wise,
Not over cunning and clever:
- Much is lost by the late sleeper,
Wealth is won by the swift,
- It is safe to tell a secret to one,
Risky to tell it to two,
To tell it to three is thoughtless folly,
Everyone else will know
- lt is best for man to remain silent.
- Never open your heart to an evil man
When fortune does not favour you:
From an evil man, if you make him your friend,
You will get evil for good.
- Waste no words on a witless oaf,
Nor sit with a senseless ape.
- Never laugh at the old when they offer counsel,
Often their words are wise
Selected from “W. H .Auden & P. B. Taylor Translation